Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mucombeze Interior Primary School

This rural school was started for the children in the Mucombeze community in 1997 shortly after our arrival in the area. The nearest school accessible to them before that was a 15 km walk. As a result, only 1 or 2 children in the area were literate or had any schooling whatsoever.

We began by holding classes outside on grass mats under the shade of trees. Eventually, an old brick farm building was restored and enlarged to house the growing school. In the last few years, classroom divisions have been added and a new roof was put on. There are over 250 children currently enrolled.

Hope is the word we believe characterizes what this school has brought to these children! Hope that life has meaning beyond simple survival and hope that with a God who loves them, the sky is the limit in terms of realizing their full potential as His creation!

Besides its uniqueness of providing good primary education in an isolated place, the school also runs a feeding program which provides a full nutritious meal every day to the children who attend. Infant formula is available at the health post for underweight/underfed infants as well. This has been an effective way of helping to combat the malnutrition that is so rampant. The impact has been nothing short of dramatic with our children achieving above average performance! There is much gratitude in the hearts of each family of the Mucombeze Interior community for the difference this school has made in their lives.

Some exciting school activities include the following:
*Conducting a VBS in November for the school children.
*Implementing a Christian Education curriculum.
*Running a school garden, orchard and nursery to assist with the skills development of the children as well as to provide a test bed for further community development activities.
*Recent launch of a new pre-school in the Mucombeze community.
*Giving assistance to the surrounding schools where possible with supplies, support, construction and general interaction (primarily through soccer competition) to improve the educational experience for all involved.

School child sponsorships fund the ongoing costs of teachers, school supplies, medicine and some new clothes each year. The sponsor or “hope-giver” receives a picture of a child and is encouraged to pray for him/her. Updated pictures of the children are sent out each year along with thank you letters from the children.

We would be delighted if you would be interested in sponsoring a school child! For details, please send an email to the SAM Ministries office at:, or to the sponsorship coordinator at: